An iridectomy, also known as a surgical iridectomy or correctomy, is the surgical removal of part of the iris. These procedures are most frequently performed in the treatment of closed-angle glaucoma and iris melanoma.
Surgical iridectomy is commonly indicated and performed in the following cases:
- Cataract surgery in a glaucoma patient
- Combined procedure for cataract and glaucoma
- Acute closed-angle glaucoma
- Posterior capsular tears with vitreous loss
- Implantation of anterior chamber IOL
- Vitreoretinal procedure involving injection of silicone oil. The location of the iridectomy in such cases is at 6’O Clock, as opposed to routine iridectomy done at 11 to 1’O Clock. This is because silicone oil is less dense than water.
- Iris trauma
These procedures are most frequently performed in the treatment of closed-angle glaucoma and iris melanoma.