Medcorp International has been helping children and adult patients with ocular injuries and disfigured eye problems for decades by providing them with specialty contact lenses – we offer Cantor & Nissel therapeutic hand painted lenses and prosthetic lenses. All our Specialty Lenses can be made with clear or black back, and open or closed pupil in a wide range of BC’s and diameters including power and toric.

Cantor Prosthetic Lenses
Comfortable soft prosthetic lenses with clear or black back, open or closed pupil, in a wide range of BC’s and diameters including power and toric – we have many available options. Read more…
Cantor & Nissel Therapeutic Hand Painted Lenses
Cantor & Nissel hand painted lenses for cosmetically masking eye defects. Read more…
Help with Ocular Injuries & Disfigured Eye Problems
We can help you – all you need to do is send us an email. We offer free help for anyone with disfigured eye problems. Read more…